10 euro silver commemorative coins 2011

Coin gallery

10 euro commemorative coins 2011

In 2011, six 10 euro commemorative coins will be issued. The “200th Birthday of Franz Liszt” commemorative coin will be minted from silver (625 silver/375 copper) in the two mint qualities “mint gloss” and “brilliant uncirculated”. Starting with the “125 Years of the Automobile” 10 euro commemorative coin, the coins in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality, which will be circulated at the nominal value (10 euro), will be made from a copper-nickel alloy. In future, the coins in the higher quality “mint gloss” collector quality will also be made from silver (625 silver/375 copper). By way of distinction, these coins will be marked with “Silber 625” (Silver 625).

In 2011, six 10 euro commemorative coins made of silver (625/1000) will be issued.

  • 200th Birthday of Franz Liszt

    The weight of the commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper. The coin was designed by the artist Michael Otto from Rodenbach. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “The design is captivating due to the risky contrast between the relief of the face and the relief of the piano in the background. The contrast works formally and reflects the contradictions throughout the life and work of Franz Liszt. The face is indicative of the composer’s wild creative drive following on from Beethoven. The workmanship is delicate and the modeling full of nuances, reminiscent of the alert and determined character in the midst of life.” The value side features a heraldic and proper eagle, adequately designed to match the image side thanks to its concentrated dynamic. The circumscription “BUNDESREPUBLIK GERMANY 2011” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 2011) and the twelve stars of Europe are distributed in line with the lettering on the image side. The “10 euro” value designation and the mint mark “G” also blend in harmoniously with overall composition, based on the image side. The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription:“GENIE OBLIGE – GENIE VERPFLICHTET” (THE OBLIGATION OF GENIUS) (Franz Liszt’s slogan – French/German)
    It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “mint gloss” and “brilliant uncirculated” (silver) quality by the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe mint (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg, Prägestätte Karlsruhe). The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” and “brilliant uncirculated” condition was issued on February 3, 2011.

    Issue limit: 178,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: February 3, 2011
    Mint: Karlsruhe
    Mint mark: G
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Artist: Michael Otto, Rodenbach
    Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
    *official issue price plus postage and packaging
  • 125 Years of the Automobile

    The commemorative coin will be produced from a copper-nickel alloy in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality and from silver in the higher “mint gloss” collector quality. The weight of the silver commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper.
    The coin was designed by the artist Jordi Truxa from Berlin. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “What impressed us about the coin was that it takes on the perspective of the driver and therefore allegorizes mobility in society over 125 years. The active representation of the steering wheel communicates an active attitude to life through the desire to drive. The illustration of the stylized street with trees refers to the journey into the future, which is associated with increasing awareness for environmental issues.
    The value and image side fit together excellently thanks to the dynamic and modern graphical design, which is based on the circular shape of the steering wheel.
    The eagle appears powerful and dignified. The design of the wing feathers is particularly interesting, as they turn into the euro symbol when the coin is rotated. The good workmanship on the dynamic and clear basic structures will result in a particularly haptic experience when the coin is minted too.”

    The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription, connected by a line:- WAS UNS BEWEGT - (- WHAT MOVES US -) It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “brilliant uncirculated” and “mint gloss” (silver) quality by the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart mint (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg, Prägestätte Stuttgart). The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” will be issued on June 9, 2011. The commemorative coin in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality will be available on November 3.

    Issue limit: 223,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: June 9, 2011 (mint gloss)
    November 3 (brilliant uncirculated)
    Mint: Stuttgart
    Mint mark: F
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Edge lettering: WAS UNS BEWEGT (WHAT MOVES US)
    Artist: Jordi Truxa, Berlin
    Sales price: €19.23 (incl. 7% VAT and €10.00 surcharge)
  • FIFA Women’s World Cup in Germany

    The commemorative coin will be produced from a copper-nickel alloy in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality and from silver in the higher “mint gloss” collector quality. The weight of the silver commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper.
    The coin was designed by the artist Alina Hoyer from Berlin. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “The center of the image side depicts a female football player in a game situation, who exudes both playful elegance and dynamism. The well-presented movement of the player and the level of detail in her sports clothing are also impressive. The discreet globe in the background is a clear reference the World Cup and its global significance. The image side is designed clearly in terms of the graphics, and the motifs of the player with the ball and the globe are vividly presented from the coin field. The clear overall picture is enhanced by the choice of contemporary font. The proportions and clear graphical design of the value side correspond to those of the image side. The shape and design of the eagle’s wings pick up on the motif of the globe.” The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription:- DIE ZUKUNFT DES FUSSBALLS IST WEIBLICH - (- THE FUTURE OF FOOTBALL IS FEMALE -) It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “brilliant uncirculated” and “mint gloss” (silver) quality in equal quantities by the five German mints in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Hamburg. The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” will be issued on June 9, 2011. The commemorative coin in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality will be available on October 7.

    Issue limit: 235,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: June 9, 2011 (mint gloss)
    October 7 (brilliant uncirculated)
    Mint: Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Hamburg
    Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Artist: Alina Hoyer, Berlin
    Sales price: €19.23 (incl. 7% VAT and €10.00 surcharge)
  • 500th Anniversary of Till Eulenspiegel

    The commemorative coin will be produced from a copper-nickel alloy in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality and from silver in the higher “mint gloss” collector quality. The weight of the silver commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper.
    The coin was designed by the artist Friedrich Brenner from Diedorf. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “The designer took his ideas from the especially distinctive character traits of Eulenspiegel. These lie, in particular, in the brokenness of the character, the ambivalence of dejection and depression, and a healthy portion of malice, guile and aggressive denial. Eulenspiegel also represents the antisocial downside of human nature, revealing things that like to disguise or conceal themselves. As a figuration of obstinacy, he covers the entire spectrum between bad guy and rogue. A stooped figure, grinning backwards asymmetrically in the field of the coin. The text runs along Eulenspiegel’s back along half of the circle edge. A dynamic composition, which forms one formal and thematic unit with the coin.
    The composition of the value side ties in with that of the image side: The text also runs along one half side, with the stars at the edge; the value is specified horizontally next to the eagle, which is curved in the same way as the figure of Eulenspiegel and is spreading its wings in classic style. Overall, a modern composition that quickly and impressively grabs the observer’s attention, while at the same time posing may questions, just as the literary figure of Till Eulenspiegel has done for 500 years.”
    The value side features the lettering “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY), the denomination and value designation, the mint mark “D”, the year 2011 and the twelve stars of Europe. The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription:“SO BIN ICH DOCH HIE GEWESEN” (I WAS HERE NONETHELESS) It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “brilliant uncirculated” and “mint gloss” (silver) quality by the Bavarian State Mint, Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt, München). The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” will be issued on July 14, 2011. The commemorative coin in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality will be available on December 15.

    Issue limit: 223,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: July 14, 2011 (mint gloss)
    December 15 (brilliant uncirculated)
    Mint: Munich
    Mint mark: D
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Artist: Friedrich Brenner, Diedorf
    Sales price: €19.68 (incl. 7% VAT and €10.00 surcharge)
  • 150 Years since the Discovery of the Archaeopteryx

    The commemorative coin will be produced from a copper-nickel alloy in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality and from silver in the higher “mint gloss” collector quality. The weight of the silver commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper.
    The coin was designed by the artist Barbara G. Ruppel from Krailling. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “The artist chose the specimen from the Berlin Museum of Natural History as the example of the archaeopteryx. She was able to illustrate the special features of the fossil, namely the typical mixture of characteristics that document the nature of the archaeopteryx as a link between dinosaurs and birds, particularly successfully. This is the reason why the archaeopteryx is also considered as an icon in evolutionary research. The main sites at which the ten skeletons and a single feather have previously been discovered are in the region of Solnhofen and Eichstädt in Bavaria. The archaeological layers, the Solnhofen limestone slabs, have a geological age of 150 million years. The composition and artistic elegance of the value side matches that of the image side. The clarity of the font provides an exciting contrast to the vibrancy of the eagle’s plumage.” The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription:Archaeopteryx – Zeuge der Evolution (Archaeopteryx – Witness of Evolution) It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “brilliant uncirculated” and “mint gloss” (silver) quality by the Berlin State Mint (Staatliche Münze Berlin). The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” will be issued on August 11, 2011. The commemorative coin in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality will be available on December 1.

    Issue limit: Approx. 200,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: August 11, 2011 (mint gloss)
    December 1 (brilliant uncirculated)
    Mint: Berlin
    Mint mark: A
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Artist: Barbara G. Ruppel, Krailling
    Sales price: €19.87 (incl. €10.00 surcharge and 7% VAT)
  • 100th Anniversary of the Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg

    The commemorative coin will be produced from a copper-nickel alloy in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality and from silver in the higher “mint gloss” collector quality. The weight of the silver commemorative coin is 16 g. The alloy comprises 625 thousandths silver and 375 thousandths copper.
    The coin was designed by the artist Herwig Otto from Rodenbach. The jury’s decision was made for the following reasons:
    “The complete and harmonious illustration of the Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg shows the location on the river, the shaft construction with tunnel connection, both tunnels as well as the ships sailing above them, and is an excellent reflection of the subject.
    The arrangement of the individual components of the complete construction and the function of the shaft construction with elevator and stairwells are accurate in every detail, yet still clearly illustrated.
    The detail with the illustration of carriages in the tunnels is a particularly successful addition due to its symbolic meaning, because back then, the height of the tunnels was determined by the length of the whips.
    The balanced composition of the individual elements, in which the motif and text are clearly positioned and easily legible, results in an outstanding overall image.”
    The value side features a clear, graphical eagle shape and is in complete harmony with the image side. The inscription “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND 2011” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 2011), the twelve stars of Europe, the mint mark “J” and the value designation “10 Euro” under the eagle round off the overall design harmoniously. The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription:“VERBINDUNG VON STADT UND HAFEN” (CONNECTING TOWN AND HARBOUR) It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in “brilliant uncirculated” and “mint gloss” (silver) quality by the Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze). The silver commemorative coin in “mint gloss” will be issued on September 15. The commemorative coin in “brilliant uncirculated” mint quality will be available on December 1.

    Issue limit: 223,000 coins in mint gloss
    Issue date: September 15, 2011 (mint gloss)
    December 1 (brilliant uncirculated)
    Mint: Hamburg
    Mint mark: J
    Weight: 16 g
    Material: Silver 625 Ag/375 Cu
    Diameter: 32.5 mm
    Artist: Herwig Otto, Rodenbach
    Sales price: €21.03 (incl. €10.00 surcharge and 7% VAT)