10 euro silver commemorative coins 2009
10 euro silver commemorative coins 2009
Coin gallery
10 euro silver commemorative coins 2009
In 2009, six Sterling silver (925/1000) 10 euro commemorative coins will be issued.
IAAF World Athletics Championships Berlin 2009
The coin was designed by Bodo Broschat from Berlin. The image side impresses due to its successful composition comprising the female javelin thrower in the center, with the backdrop of the dynamic stadium energy and the circumscription. Javelin throwing, a classical sport even in ancient times, points to modernity: Through the female figure of the sportswoman, the current design of the Olympic stadium in Berlin and the throwing direction heading beyond the stadium. The unexaggerated and natural illustration of the sportswoman is pleasing. Her open attitude, facing the observer, encourages participation. The same is true of the illustration of the recently redesigned stadium roof, which, like the image of the sportswoman, represents the modern age.
The value side features an eagle, the lettering “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY), the twelve stars of Europe, the denomination with euro designation as well as the year 2009.
The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription “SPORT BEWEGT DIE WELT” (SPORT MOVES THE WORLD) as well as the mint marks “A D F G J” of the German mints. Like previous German 10 euro commemorative coins, this coin is to be made from 18 g “Sterling silver”. It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in brilliant uncirculated and mint gloss quality in equal quantities by the five German mints in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Hamburg, and to issue it in April 2009 together with a commemorative stamp on the same theme.Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: April 9, 2009 Mint: Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Hamburg Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: SPORT BEWEGT DIE WELT (SPORT MOVES THE WORLD) Artist: Bodo Broschat, Berlin Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging -
400th Anniversary of Kepler’s Laws
The coin was designed by Prof. Ulrich Böhme from Stuttgart. The “400th Anniversary of Kepler’s Laws” motif is expressed impressively on the image side both artistically and factually. In his “New Astronomy”, Kepler breaks with the ancient-medieval axiom of the uniform circular movement of the planets, i.e. a tradition that had been in place for around 2000 years. The idea of the design is to show only the distinctive traits of his profile and, close behind them, to write in illustrative mathematical-physical deductions.
The geometric figure, which demonstrates the astronomical relationships of the planetary orbit, is – like the small illustration of the forward-moving barge – an allegorical illustration of radial force, taken from Kepler’s “Astronomia Nova” published 400 years ago (Prague 1609). The two sides of the coin are closely related to each other, as shown by the identical design of the lettering.
The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription “ASTRONOMIA NOVA-WENDE ZUR HIMMELSMECHANIK” (ASTRONOMIA NOVA-TURNING POINT IN CELESTIAL MECHANICS) It is planned intended to have the commemorative coin minted in brilliant uncirculated and mint gloss quality by the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart mint (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg, Prägestätte Stuttgart) and to issue it in May 2009 together with a commemorative stamp on the same theme.Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: May 7, 2009 Mint: Stuttgart Mint mark: F Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: ASTRONOMIA NOVA – WENDE ZUR HIMMELSMECHANIK (ASTRONOMIA NOVA – TURNING POINT IN CELESTIAL MECHANICS) Artist: Ulrich Böhme, Stuttgart Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging -
100th Anniversary of the International Aerospace Exhibition
On the image side of the coin, the artist succeeded in illustrating the broad content of the topic of “Aerospace” by splitting the area into three segments. The central part with an aircraft is an impressive focus of the coin. The frontal view of a modern aircraft landing on the runway shows the dynamic of flying. The two side sections show the diversity of air and space travel in a reserved, almost ornamental design. The scene extends from Otto Lilienthal’s flying machines to the International Space Station ISS.
The value side features an eagle, the lettering “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY), the twelve stars of Europe, the denomination with euro designation as well as the year 2009 and the mint mark “D” for the Bavarian State Mint in Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt München). The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription "FASZINATION FLIEGEN · TRADITION · INNOVATION ·” (FASCINATION WITH FLYING TRADITION INNOVATION ).Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: June 4, 2009 Mint: Munich Mint mark: D Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: FASZINATION FLIEGEN * TRADITION * INNOVATION * (FASCINATION WTIH FLYING * TRADITION * INNOVATION *) Artist: Bodo Broschat, Berlin Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging -
600th Anniversary of the University of Leipzig
The coin was designed by Dietrich Dorfstecher from Berlin. The focus of the image side of the coin is the 600-year history of the University of Leipzig. This is illustrated by the university’s seal with St. Laurentius, Patron Saint of Students, and John the Baptist as well as an image of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a student and lecturer at the university.
The scholar Leibniz’s motto “THEORIA CUM PRAXI” is still relevant for the university today. The third image element depicts the reconstruction of the university, which, as an architectural quotation, is a reminder of the St. Paul’s university church, which was blown up in 1968, and shows the new face of the university. The inscription states “600 Jahre Universität Leipzig” (600th Anniversary of the University of Leipzig) and the time span “1409-2009”. The value side features a well presented, dignified German eagle.
The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription “AUS TRADITION GRENZEN ÜBERSCHREITEN” (A TRADITION OF CROSSING BORDERS). Like previous German 10 euro commemorative coins, this coin is to be made from 18 g “Sterling silver”. It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in brilliant uncirculated and mint gloss quality by the Berlin State Mint (Staatliche Münze Berlin) and to issue it in July 2009 together with a commemorative stamp on the same theme.Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: July 9, 2009 Mint: Berlin Mint mark: A Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: AUS TRADITION GRENZEN ÜBERSCHREITEN (A TRADITION OF CROSSING BORDERS) Artist: Dietrich Dorfstecher, Berlin Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging -
100th Anniversary of Youth Hostels
In 1909, in Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia, teacher Richard Schirrmann established the world’s first youth hostel. The idea of affordable accommodation for young travelers soon spread beyond the national borders of Germany. Today, there are over 4000 youth hostels worldwide.
The modern design of the image side, which reflects the current self-image of the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH), is impressive. The triangular shape of the motif is indicative of DJH’s logo and presents an interpretation of the global spread from the German origin: The starting point is the first youth hostel at Altena in Westphalia.
The design on the value side repeats the graphical composition of the image side. The modern and dignified German eagle is a striking focus and therefore a crucial component of the value side. In addition, it contains the lettering “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY), the twelve stars of Europe, the denomination with euro designation as well as the year 2009 and the mint mark “G” (State Mints of Baden-Württemberg (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg), Karlsruhe mint).
The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription “BEGEGNUNG GEMEINSCHAFT TOLERANZ” (COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP TOLERANCE). Like previous German 10 euro commemorative coins, this euro commemorative coin is to be made from 18 g “Sterling silver” (925 silver).Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: August 13, 2009 Mint: Karlsruhe Mint mark: G Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: BEGEGNUNG GEMEINSCHAFT TOLERANZ (COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP TOLERANCE) Artist: Hans Joa Dobler, Ehekirchen Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging -
100th Birthday of Marion Countess Dönhoff
The coin was designed by Prof. Christian Höpfner from Berlin. The image side of the coin depicts Marion Countess Dönhoff in profile. The sharply cut silhouette is reminiscent of both the old and young countess. The design reflects the severity and consistency, but also the almost transparent tenderness of her person. It captures a moment that is typical for Marion Countess Dönhoff, in which concentrated listening and the desire to say something and intervene are balanced. The value side too features a very harmonious design. It features an eagle, the lettering “BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND” (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY), the twelve stars of Europe, the denomination with euro designation as well as the year 2009 and the mint mark “J” (Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze)).
The smooth coin edge bears the in-set inscription “LIEBEN OHNE ZU BESITZEN” (TO LOVE WITHOUT POSSESSING). The commemorative coin is – like previous German 10 euro commemorative coins – to be made from 18 g of “Sterling silver”. It is planned to have the commemorative coin minted in brilliant uncirculated and mint gloss quality by the Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) and to issue it in November 2009 together with a commemorative stamp on the same theme.Issue limit: 200,000 Issue date: November 30, 2009 Mint: Hamburg Mint mark: J Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver 925 Ag Diameter: 32.5 mm Edge lettering: LIEBEN OHNE ZU BESITZEN (TO LOVE WITHOUT POSSESSING) Artist: Prof. Christian Höpfner, Berlin Sales price: €15* (mint gloss condition)
*official issue price plus postage and packaging