10 euro silver commemorative coins 2002
10 euro silver commemorative coins 2002
Coin gallery
10 euro silver commemorative coins 2002
Introduction of the Euro – Transition to Monetary Union
The center of the image side depicts the euro logo surrounded by stars and set inside a circle. The use of motifs from the euro banknotes, in the form of bridges and other architectural elements, is striking. This figurative quotation results in a constant interplay of shapes and structures. At the same time, it makes the symbols of the banknotes its own, with the windows and bridges representing openness and unity in Europe.
Issue limit: 400,000 (mint gloss condition), 2,000,000 (standard coinage) Issue date: January 23, 2002 (standard coinage) Mint: State Mints of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart) Mint mark: F Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver (alloy 925 Ag) Edge lettering: IM ZEICHEN DER EINIGUNG EUROPAS (THE UNIFICATION OF EUROPE) Artist: Erich Ott, Munich Sales price: (Mint gloss) €15 plus postage and packaging -
100th Anniversary of German Subways
The subway train signet at an exposed position combined with historical and modern elements – the Oberbaum Bridge, which the first German subway train once drove over, with a modern carriage.
Issue limit: 400,000 (mint gloss condition), 2,000,000 (standard coinage) Issue date: February 14, 2002 (standard coinage) Mint: Bavarian State Mint, Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt, München) Mint mark: D Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver (alloy 925 Ag) Edge lettering: HISTORISCH UND ZUKUNFTSWEISEND (HISTORIC AND TRENDSETTING) Artist: Bodo Broschat, Berlin -
"documenta" art exhibition, Kassel
The lower case “d” is the logo of the first documenta, which was held in 1955 and was later repeatedly quoted. The lines symbolize the constant flow of art and culture.
Issue limit: 300,000 (mint gloss condition), 2,000,000 (standard coinage) Issue date: May 2, 2002 (standard coinage) Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver (alloy 925 Ag) Edge lettering: The word “Art” in various languages Artist: František Chochola, Hamburg -
Berlin’s Museum Island
The viewing direction clearly demonstrates the radiance of this unique architectural ensemble. The names of the museums enhance the portrayal of the World Heritage Museum Island, Berlin.
Issue limit: 280,000 (mint gloss condition), 2,000,000 (standard coinage) Issue date: August 8, 2002 (standard coinage) Mint: Berlin State Mint (Staatliche Münze Berlin) Mint mark: A Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver (alloy 925 Ag) Edge lettering: FREISTÄTTE FÜR KUNST UND WISSENSCHAFT (SANCTUARY FOR ART AND SCIENCE) Artist: František Chochola, Hamburg -
50 Years of German Television
The screen, the symbol for television per se, represents the openness and variety of the medium here and is illustrated with a high recognition value.
Issue limit: 290,000 (mint gloss condition), 2,000,000 (standard coinage) Issue date: November 7, 2002 (standard coinage) Mint: State Mints of Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe (Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe) Mint mark: G Weight: 18 g Material: Sterling silver (alloy 925 Ag) Edge lettering: INFORMATION BILDUNG UNTERHALTUNG (INFORMATION EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT) Artist: Jordi Regel, Berlin