10-DM-Gedenkmünzen 1987-2001
10-DM-Gedenkmünzen 1987-2001
Coin gallery
10 DM commemorative coins 1987-2001
750th Anniversary of Berlin
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: April 30, 1987 in Berlin, September 9, 1987 nationwide Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Year mark: 1987 Occasion: 750th Anniversary of Berlin Edge lettering: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit (Unity and Justice and Freedom) Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Ottmaring -
30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: November 25, 1987 Mint: State Mint Karlsruhe (Staatliche Münze Karlsruhe) Mint mark: G Year mark: 1987 Occasion: 30th anniversary of signing Edge lettering: Adenauer, Bech, de Gasperi, Luns, Schumann, Spaak Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
Arthur Schopenhauer
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: September 21, 1988 Mint: Bavarian State Mint Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt München) Mint mark: D Year mark: 1988 Occasion: 200th birthday Edge lettering: Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (The World as Will and Representation) Artist: Hans Joa Dobler, Walda -
Carl Zeiss
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: November 23, 1988 Mint: State Mint Stuttgart (Staatliche Münze Stuttgart) Mint mark: F Year mark: 1988 Occasion: 100th Anniversary of Death Edge lettering: Optik für Wissenschaft und Technik (Optics for Science and Technology) Artist: Carl Vezerfi-Clemm, Munich -
40th Anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: May 17, 1989 Mint: State Mint Karlsruhe (Staatliche Münze Karlsruhe) Mint mark: G Year mark: 1989 Occasion: 40th Anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany Edge lettering: 40 Jahre Frieden und Freiheit (40 Years of Peace and Freedom) Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
2000 Years of Bonn
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: September 20, 1989 Mint: Bavarian State Mint Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt München) Mint mark: D Year mark: 1989 Occasion: 2000th Anniversary of the City of Bonn Edge lettering: Bonn blühe und bleibe (May Bonn prosper and flourish) Artist: Paul Effert, Koarst -
800 years of the harbor and Hamburg
Issue limit: 8,350,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 350,000 coins) Issue date: November 8, 1989 Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Year mark: 1989 Occasion: 800th anniversary of Hamburg harbor Edge lettering: Hamburg, Tor zur Welt (Hamburg, Gateway to the World) Artist: Klaus Luckey, Hamburg -
Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa
Issue limit: 7,850,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 400,000 coins) Issue date: June 8, 1990 Mint: State Mint Stuttgart (Staatliche Münze Stuttgart) Mint mark: F Year mark: 1990 Occasion: 800th anniversary of death Edge lettering: Honor Imperii Artist: Eugen Ruhl, Pforzheim -
800 Years of the Teutonic Order
Issue limit: 8,850,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: September 4, 1990 Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Year mark: 1990 Occasion: 800th anniversary of the foundation of the Teutonic Order Edge lettering: Es bleib in Gedächtnis so Gott will (It will be remembered for as long as God wishes) Artist: Hubert Klinkel, Zell am Main -
200th Anniversary of the Brandenburg Gate
Issue limit: 8,850,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: December 18, 1991 Mint: Berlin Mint (Münze Berlin) Mint mark: A Year mark: 1991 Occasion: 200th Anniversary of the Brandenburg Gate Edge lettering: Deutschland einig Vaterland (Germany, our fatherland) Artist: Erich Ott, Munich -
Käthe Kollwitz
Issue limit: 8,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: July 3, 1992 Mint: State Mint Karlsruhe (Staatliche Münze Karlsruhe) Mint mark: G Year mark: 1992 Occasion: 125th birthday Edge lettering: Ich will wirken in dieser Zeit (I want to act in these times) Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
“Pour le mérite” Order for Art and Sciences
Issue limit: 8,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: December 9, 1992 Mint: Bavarian State Mint Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt München) Mint mark: D Year mark: 1992 Occasion: 150th anniversary Edge lettering: Gemeinschaft von Gelehrten und Künstlern (Community of Scholars and Artists) Artist: Werner Godec, Pforzheim -
1000 Years of Potsdam
Issue limit: 7,950,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: June 16, 1993 Mint: State Mint Stuttgart (Staatliche Münze Stuttgart) Mint mark: F Year mark: 1993 Occasion: 1000 years of the city of Potsdam Edge lettering: Das ganze Eiland muss ein Paradies werden (The whole island must become a paradise) Artist: Erich Ott, Munich -
Robert Koch
Issue limit: 7,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: February 9, 1994 Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Year mark: 1993 Occasion: 150th birthday Edge lettering: Mitbegruender der Bakteriologie (Co-founder of Bacteriology) Artist: Hubert Klinkel, Würzburg -
50th anniversary of July 20, 1944
Issue limit: 7,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: July 6, 1994 Mint: Berlin Mint (Münze Berlin) Mint mark: A Year mark: 1994 Occasion: The German Resistance Movement 1933-1945 Edge lettering: Widerstand gegen die Nationalsozialisten (Resistance against the National Socialists) Artist: Paul Effert, Koarst -
Johann Gottfried Herder
Issue limit: 7,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: November 15, 1994 Mint: State Mint Karlsruhe (Staatliche Münze Karlsruhe) Mint mark: G Year mark: 1994 Occasion: 250th birthday Edge lettering: Humanität ist der Zweck der Menschen-Natur (Humanity is the purpose of human nature) Artist: Wolfgang Th. Doehm, Stuttgart -
Frauenkirche Dresden
Issue limit: 7,450,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 450,000 coins) Issue date: May 3, 1995 Mint: Hamburg Mint (Hamburgische Münze) Mint mark: J Year mark: 1995 Occasion: Reconstruction of the Frauenkirche Dresden Edge lettering: Steinerne Glocke – Symbol für Toleranz (Stone Bell – Symbol of Tolerance) Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Issue limit: 6,900,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 400,000 coins) Issue date: September 13, 1995 Mint: Bavarian State Mint Munich (Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt München) Mint mark: D Year mark: 1995 Occasion: 150th birthday and 100th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays Edge lettering: Erster Nobelpreis für Physik (First Nobel Prize for Physics) Artist: Claus and Ursula Homfeld, Bremen -
Henry the Lion
Issue limit: 6,900,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 400,000 coins) Issue date: December 5, 1995 Mint: State Mint Stuttgart (Staatliche Münze Stuttgart) Mint mark: F Year mark: 1995 Occasion: 800th anniversary of death Edge lettering: Heinrich der Löwe aus kaiserlichem Stamm (Imperial Henry the Lion) Artist: Hubert Klinkel, Würzburg -
Adolph Kolping
Issue limit: 6,000,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 400,000 coins) Issue date: August 21, 1996 Mint: Berlin Mint (Münze Berlin) Mint mark: A Year mark: 1996 Occasion: 150th anniversary of foundation of the first Catholic Journeyman’s Association in Elberfeld Edge lettering: Tätige Liebe heilt alle Wunden (Love in action heals all wounds) Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
Philipp Melanchthon
Issue limit: 3,771,360 coins (of which in mint gloss: 761,360 coins) Issue date: February 13, 1997 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J
Year mark: 1997 Occasion: 500th birthday Edge lettering: Zum Gespräch geboren (Born to speak) Artist: Hubert Klinkel. Würzburg -
Diesel engine
Issue limit: 3,761,360 coins (of which in mint gloss: 761,360 coins) Issue date: August 28, 1997 Mint: All 5 mints Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1997 Occasion: 100th anniversary of the diesel engine Edge lettering: Gedanken sind der Motor der Welt (Thoughts are the engine of the world) Artist: Hans Joa Dobler, Ehekirchen -
Heinrich Heine
Issue limit: 3,761,360 coins (of which in mint gloss: 761,360 coins) Issue date: November 6, 1997 Mint: All 5 mints Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1997 Occasion: 200th birthday Edge lettering: Heinrich Heine * 1797 + 1856 Artist: Reinhart Heinsdorff, Friedberg-Ottmaring -
Peace of Westphalia
Issue limit: 4,500,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 1,000,000 coins) Issue date: March 12, 1998 Mint: All 5 mints Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1998 Occasion: 350th anniversary of peace in Westphalia Edge lettering: Westfälischer Friede 1648 (Westphalian Peace 1648) Artist: Ms. Aase Thorsen, Neuberg -
Hildegard von Bingen
Issue limit: 4,500,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 1,000,000 coins) Issue date: April 16, 1998 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1998 Occasion: 900th birthday Edge lettering: Hildegard von Bingen *1098 + 1179 Artist: Carl Vezerli-Clemm, Munich -
Deutsche Mark
Issue limit: 4,500,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 975,000 coins) Issue date: June 19, 1998 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1998 Occasion: 50th anniversary of the Deutsche Mark Edge lettering: Wir sind das Volk – Wir sind ein Volk (We are the people – We are one people) Artist: Value side: Ulrich von Chrzanowski, Berlin; Image side: Dr. Heinrich Schlüter, Bonn -
Francke Foundations
Issue limit: 4,500,000 coins (of which in mint gloss: 1,000,000 coins) Issue date: September 10, 1998 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1998 Occasion: 300th anniversary of the Francke Foundations Edge lettering: Er vertraute Gott (He trusted God) Artist: Heinz Hoyer, Berlin -
50th Anniversary of the German Basic Law
Issue limit: 3,811,500 coins (of which in mint gloss: 811,500 coins) Issue date: May 21, 1999 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1999 Occasion: 50th anniversary of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany Edge lettering: Für das gesamte deutsche Volk (For all the German people)
Artist: Joa Dobler, Ehekirchen -
50th Anniversary of SOS Children’s Villages
Issue limit: 3,811,500 coins (of which in mint gloss: 811,500 coins) Issue date: June 10, 1999 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1999 Occasion: 50th anniversary of SOS Children’s Villages Edge lettering: SOS-Kinderdörfer * eine Idee für die Welt (SOS Children’s Villages * An idea for the world) Artist: Mathias Furthmair, Speicher -
Weimar – Goethe
Issue limit: 3,811,500 coins (of which in mint gloss: 811,500 coins) Issue date: August 12, 1999 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 1999 Occasion: Weimar – European City of Culture/250th Birthday of Goethe Edge lettering: Wirke gut so wirkst du länger (Work well and you’ll work for longer) Artist: František Chochola, Hamburg -
EXPO 2000 Hanover
Issue limit: 3,811,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 811,300 coins) Issue date: January 13, 2000 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2000 Occasion: "EXPO 2000" world fair in Hanover Edge lettering: Weltaustellung EXPO 2000 Hannover (EXPO 2000 world fair Hanover) Artist: Sonja Seibold, Haag / Amper -
Emperor Charlemagne – Aachen Cathedral
Issue limit: 3,811,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 811,300 coins) Issue date: January 13, 2000 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2000 Occasion: Emperor Charlemagne – Aachen Cathedral – 1200 Years Edge lettering: Urbs Aquensis, urbs regalis
Artist: Erich Ott, Munich -
Johann Sebastian Bach
Issue limit: 3,826,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 826,300 coins) Issue date: July 13, 2000 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2000 Occasion: 250th anniversary of death Edge lettering: 250. Todestag Johann Sebastian Bach (250th anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s death) Artist: Aase Thorsen, Neuberg -
10 Years of German Unity
Issue limit: 3,826,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 826,300 coins) Issue date: September 28, 2000 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2000 Occasion: 10 years of German Unity Edge lettering: Wir sind das Volk. Wir sind ein Volk. (We are the people. We are one people.)
Artist: Doris Waschk-Balz, Hamburg -
Albert Gustav Lortzing
Issue limit: 3,326,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 826,300 coins) Issue date: January 11, 2001 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2001 Occasion: “Albert Gustav Lortzing 1801-1851” Edge lettering: Zar und Zimmermann, Wildschütz, Undine (Tsar and Carpenter, Poacher, Undine)
Artist: František Chochola, Hamburg -
St. Katharinen Abbey / Oceanographic Museum Stralsund
Issue limit: 3,326,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 826,300 coins) Issue date: June 13, 2001 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2001 Occasion: “750th Anniversary of the St. Katharinen Abbey / 50th Anniversary of the Oceanographic Museum Stralsund” Edge lettering: Ohne Wasser kein Leben (There’s no life without water) Artist: Dietrich Dorfstecher, Berlin -
50th Anniversary of the Federal Constitutional Court
Issue limit: 2,766,300 coins (of which in mint gloss: 766,300 coins) Issue date: September 5, 2001 Mint: All 5 mints
Mint mark: A, D, F, G, J Year mark: 2001 Occasion: 50th anniversary of the Federal Constitutional Court Edge lettering: … im Namen des Volkes … im Namen des Volkes … (in the name of the people) Artist: Aase Thorsen, Neuberg