5 euro color print coin 2024 "Grünes Heupferd"

There are around 80 species of locusts in Germany. Grasshopper is the sixth motif in the “Wonder World of Insects” series is dedicated to her.
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Overview details

Overview details

Series: „Wunderwelt Insekten“
Artist: Patrick Niesel, Röthenbach a. d. Pegnitz (image side), Andre Witting, Berlin (value side)
Issue date: March 7, 2024
Mint: Berlin (A)
Weight: 9,68 g
Coin diameter: 27,25 mm
Material: CuNi 25
Nominal: 5 Euro
Mint quality: mint gloss
Circulation: 40.000 pieces

Description Coin

Description Coin

The composition by the artist Patrick Niesel from Röthenbach a. d. Pegnitz shows almost the entire area a female green hay horse, which is shown sitting on a leaf in the indicated habitat. The typical “stacky” expression of the grasshopper legs is cleverly connected to the surrounding stalks. The jury judged: “Thanks to an axial vertical-horizontal emphasis on the depiction on the coin surface and the decisive color treatment of the hay horse, the overall impression remains clear and easy to read, despite the fullness and liveliness of the design.” The value side is identical for all coins in the series. The design, designed by artist Andre Witting from Berlin, impresses with a dignified yet dynamic depiction of the federal eagle.



The females are slightly larger than the males and also have a 1 to 2 cm long ovipositor. In addition to the appearance, the “song” of the males, for which they use their forewings, is characteristic of the species. So-called stridulation organs are located there. When the males are sexually mature, they rub their forewings together, which are hardly or not raised at all. The resulting sound can be heard up to 150 m away. The eggs are deposited in the ground by the female using the laying stinger and overwinter there at least twice. At the end of April, tiny wingless grasshoppers hatch and molt several times as they grow until they are fully grown. The habitat includes bushes, meadows and forest edges with vegetation at least 30 cm high. The Green Hay Horse can also be spotted in the home garden and flies very well. But it usually only does this when it is startled. This typical startling gave the grasshoppers their name.